Price gains dwindle, leaving little for FI investors
Paltry income, little price appreciation leave fixed income investors in a bind. Our chart breaks down Agg returns, outlining potential trouble ahead.
Rising rates put the “40” to the test
As rates move higher, we look at fixed income performance amid rising rate environments, highlighting sub-investment grade’s strong relative returns.
Rates continue recent rise despite sharp stock sell-off
Rates climbed higher this week while the S&P 500 was down nearly -5%. We look at the risk rates’ recent rise presents to fixed income investments.
Even a small rate rise highlights bonds’ weakness
Traditional bonds have seen three months of negative returns. Our chart offers a cautionary outlook on bond returns in today’s rate environment.
Low yields have broken the traditional “40” bond portfolio
Traditional bonds are providing little yield with more interest rate risk than ever. Our chart looks at the asymmetrical risk-return outlook.
Treasury market quiets as equity volatility picks up
Treasury rate volatility has flatlined since April. Our chart looks at why yield-hungry investors may need to find new ways to generate income.