Chart of the week

Showing 67–72 insights out of 90 results
Chart of the week

Even a small rate rise highlights bonds’ weakness

Traditional bonds have seen three months of negative returns. Our chart offers a cautionary outlook on bond returns in today’s rate environment.

Chart of the week

Low yields have broken the traditional “40” bond portfolio

Traditional bonds are providing little yield with more interest rate risk than ever. Our chart looks at the asymmetrical risk-return outlook.

Chart of the week

Treasury market quiets as equity volatility picks up

Treasury rate volatility has flatlined since April. Our chart looks at why yield-hungry investors may need to find new ways to generate income.

Chart of the week

Rates, edging higher, could put bond returns at risk

With inflation stirring, rates caught investors’ attention this week. Our chart looks at the tough position rising rates could put bond investors in.

Chart of the week

Spike in HY issuance stresses the importance of active management

Sales surging after near collapse? Our chart looks at how the massive spike in new high yield issues displays the importance of active management.

Chart of the week

Is now a buying opportunity for high yield bonds?

Are wide spreads a signal to buy? Our chart looks at high yield bonds amid the recent sell-off and compares correlation vs. the Q4 2008 sell-off.

Showing 67–72 insights out of 90 results

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