Economic activity and volatility both slow. But for how long?
Economic activity has slowed recently, and so has market volatility. Our chart examines this relationship and asks how much longer it can last.
Slowing recovery presents challenges, highlights opportunities
Markets have traded sideways for much of the past 6 weeks after racing back in late March. Our chart looks at what slowing momentum may mean for investors.
Dueling data leaves market outlook open to interpretation
Economic data as a Rorschach test? Like the famous inkblots, competing good news-bad news releases make market outlooks appear highly subjective.
Spike in HY issuance stresses the importance of active management
Sales surging after near collapse? Our chart looks at how the massive spike in new high yield issues displays the importance of active management.
A quick roundtrip: yields return to pre-COVID levels
Back to low or no yield? Our chart looks at why fixed income investors need to look outside of traditional markets for competitive opportunities.
Amid dismal EPS estimates, signs of a rally gone too far?
Stocks rallied too far, too fast? Our chart looks at 2020’s deeply negative earnings picture and why investors may want to insure against further volatility.