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Showing 1451–1460 out of 1733 results

Even a small rate rise highlights bonds’ weakness

Traditional bonds have seen three months of negative returns. Our chart offers a cautionary outlook on bond returns in today’s rate environment.

Valuations near highs – and investors expect more

Stock valuations and investor expectations have risen together over the past decade. Our chart looks at why this pattern is unlikely to continue.

Low yields have broken the traditional “40” bond portfolio

Traditional bonds are providing little yield with more interest rate risk than ever. Our chart looks at the asymmetrical risk-return outlook.

Chasm between stocks and sentiment grows wider

Market activity has been divorced from investor sentiment of late. Our chart looks at the mismatch and why investors might prepare for a pullback.

Treasury market quiets as equity volatility picks up

Treasury rate volatility has flatlined since April. Our chart looks at why yield-hungry investors may need to find new ways to generate income.

Stocks prone to volatility amid uncertain recovery

Equities fell this week on the Fed’s gloomy outlook. Our chart looks at what a prolonged slow-growth economy could mean for investors.

A narrow rally reveals many stocks left behind

Investors got a taste of what markets may look like if tech turns south. Our chart looks at the uneven performance of S&P stocks over the past year.

Tech powered the S&P 500 to a new high. What’s next?

Stocks’ astounding rally has been fueled by the tech sector. Our chart looks at tech’s concentration in the S&P 500 and what it means for investors.

Rates, edging higher, could put bond returns at risk

With inflation stirring, rates caught investors’ attention this week. Our chart looks at the tough position rising rates could put bond investors in.

Economic activity and volatility both slow. But for how long?

Economic activity has slowed recently, and so has market volatility. Our chart examines this relationship and asks how much longer it can last.
Showing 1451–1460 out of 1733 results

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