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Showing 201–210 out of 1011 results

Commercial real estate drives August housing activity

Is the easing of monetary policy spurring new housing construction? This week’s chart explores the connection and its potential impact on real estate investment.

Q4 2019: Running in place

In this report, Robert Hoffman outlines his expectations for positive, primarily income-driven returns for HY bonds and senior secured loans this year.

Commercial real estate sentiment jumps in Q2

Are Fed rate cuts reinvigorating the U.S. housing market? This week’s chart highlights recently renewed confidence in the multifamily market.

Q4 2019: Survival guide to a global slowdown

A sharp global economic slowdown, heightened trade uncertainty, plunging interest rates and wilting business sentiment. These and other factors complicate the investment landscape.
Showing 201–210 out of 1011 results

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