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Showing 421–430 out of 1735 results

Decoding default risk: What are credit markets telling us?

While the economic environment is unclear, we believe we can glean valuable insights about credit markets from implied market default rates.

Deglobalization Playbook

The cumulative effects of a worldwide pandemic, supply chain issues and geopolitical instability are helping to drive a seminal shift away from globalization.

Despite Fed pause, financial conditions tighten further

Despite expectations for a Fed pause, this week’s chart looks at other financial conditions, which have tightened significantly in recent months.

Despite headlines, CRE fundamentals mostly healthy

Despite the significant headline risk, CRE fundamentals continue to be quite stable. This week’s chart looks at vacancy rates across property types.

Despite rate pause, the Barclays Agg remains underwater

The Barclays Agg remains in negative territory YTD despite a kinder rate environment. We compare core fixed income returns in 2020 and 2021.

Despite strong YTD returns, investors see challenges ahead

See why investors seeking stable income may need to look outside of traditional fixed income markets to find it in today’s environment.

Diverging durations leave corporate bond investors increasingly exposed

Are your investments more vulnerable to price loss if interest rates move higher? This week’s chart shows how durations have diverged on investment grade and high yield bonds.

Diverging economic forecasts as rate hikes begin?

The Fed liftoff took place as market drivers compete. This week’s chart looks at two as investors manage through an uncertain environment.
Showing 421–430 out of 1735 results

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