
Showing 7–12 insights out of 86 results

FireSide: Anatomy of a CRE correction—2024 Update  

CRE expert Andrew Korz joins Chief U.S. Economist Lara Rhame to update their outlook for the correction and discuss potential opportunities.

Commercial real estate outlook

Q1 2024 Commercial real estate outlook: The long way ’round

The U.S. commercial real estate market enters 2024 balancing hopes for a better year with fears of a more significant downturn.

Chart of the week

Private CRE debt offers a hefty yield premium to cash

This week’s chart looks at private CRE debt’s notable yield premium to cash, even as cash yields are elevated.


Charted territory: Anatomy of a CRE correction

The Investment Research team updates their views on the CRE market heading into 2024. Listen to the key trends from one of our experts. Then, read the chartbook for the full story.


FireSide: Q4 2023 Research roundtable—Can the growth continue?

Our experts dive in to the latest in commercial real estate, corporate credit and macroeconomic trends.

Commercial real estate outlook

Q4 2023 Commercial real estate outlook: Push and pull

Countervailing forces continue to define today’s CRE market, with the push of higher interest rates opposed by the pull of impressively resilient fundamentals.

Showing 7–12 insights out of 86 results

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