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Securities offered through ALPS Distributors, Inc. (1290 Broadway, Suite 1000, Denver, CO 80203, member FINRA), the distributor of FS Credit Income Fund. FS Investment Solutions, LLC is an affiliated broker-dealer that serves as the exclusive wholesale marketing agent for FS Credit Income Fund. FS Investment Solutions, LLC and ALPS Distributors, Inc. are not affiliated.
An investment in FS Credit Income Fund (the “Fund”) involves a high degree of risk and may be considered speculative. Investors are advised to consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. The Fund’s prospectus contains this and other information about the Fund. Investors may obtain a copy of the Fund’s prospectus free of charge at or by contacting FS Investments at 201 Rouse Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19112 or by phone at 877-628-8575. Investors should read and carefully consider all information found in the Fund’s prospectus and other reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission before investing.
Investing in the Fund involves risk, including the risk that a shareholder may receive little or no return on their investment or that a shareholder may lose part or all of their investment. The Fund expects most of its investments to be in securities that are rated below investment grade or would be rated below investment grade if they were rated. Below investment grade instruments may be particularly susceptible to economic downturns. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk and will decline in value as interest rates rise. The Fund may engage in leveraging and other speculative investment practices that may increase the risk of loss of investment and accelerate the velocity of potential losses. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, investing in international and emerging markets may involve risk of capital loss from unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from social, economic or political instability in other nations. The Fund may invest in derivatives, which are often more volatile than other investments and may magnify the Fund’s gains or losses. An investment in shares should be considered only by investors who can assess and bear the illiquidity and other risks associated with such an investment. No secondary market is expected to develop for the Fund’s common shares; liquidity for the common shares will be provided only through quarterly repurchase offers for no less than 5% and no more than 25% of the common shares at net asset value, and there is no guarantee that an investor will be able to sell all the common shares that the investor desires to sell in the repurchase offer. Due to these restrictions, an investor should consider an investment in the Fund to be of limited liquidity.
This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described herein. An offering is made only by a prospectus, which must be made available to you in connection with this offering. No offering is made to New York investors except by a prospectus filed with the Department of Law of the State of New York.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley Wealth Management”) – IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES
This material was not created by Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has made no independent verification of the information provided and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information.
This material is not to be reproduced or distributed to any other persons (other than professional advisors of the investors or prospective investors, as applicable, receiving this material) and is intended solely for the use of the persons to whom it has been delivered. This material is not for distribution to the general public.
The sole purpose of this material is to inform, and it in no way is intended to be an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any security, other investment or service, or to attract any funds or deposits. Investments mentioned may not be appropriate for all clients. Any product discussed herein may be purchased only after a client has carefully reviewed the offering memorandum and executed the subscription documents. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has not considered the actual or desired investment objectives, goals, guidelines, or factual circumstances of any investor in any fund(s). Before making any investment, each investor should carefully consider the risks associated with the investment, as discussed in the applicable offering memorandum, and make a determination based upon their own particular circumstances, that the investment is consistent with their investment objectives and risk tolerance.
Alternative investments often are speculative and include a high degree of risk. Investors could lose all or a substantial amount of their investment. Alternative investments are appropriate only for eligible, long-term investors who are willing to forgo liquidity and put capital at risk for an indefinite period of time. They may be highly illiquid and can engage in leverage and other speculative practices that may increase the volatility and risk of loss. Alternative Investments typically have higher fees than traditional investments. Investors should carefully review and consider potential risks before investing.
Indices are unmanaged and investors cannot directly invest in them. They are not subject to expenses or fees and are often comprised of securities and other investment instruments the liquidity of which is not restricted. A particular investment product may consist of securities significantly different than those in any index referred to herein. Composite index results are shown for illustrative purposes only, generally do not represent the performance of a specific investment, may not, for a variety of reasons, be an appropriate comparison or benchmark for a particular investment and may not necessarily reflect the actual investments or objectives of a particular investment. Consequently, comparing an investment to a particular index may be of limited use.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Actual results may vary. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.
Alternative investments involve complex tax structures, tax inefficient investing, and delays in distributing important tax information. Individual funds have specific risks related to their investment programs that will vary from fund to fund. Clients should consult their own tax and legal advisors as Morgan Stanley Wealth Management does not provide tax or legal advice.
Interests in alternative investment products are only made available pursuant to the terms of the applicable offering memorandum, are distributed by Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and certain of its affiliates, and (1) are not FDIC-insured, (2) are not deposits or other obligations of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management or any of its affiliates, (3) are not guaranteed by Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and its affiliates, and (4) involve investment risks, including possible loss of principal. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is a registered broker-dealer, not a bank.
©2020 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. Alternative investment securities discussed herein are not covered by the protections provided by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, unless such securities are registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and are held in a Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Individual Retirement Account.