FS news

Showing 61–70 press releases out of 70 results

THESTREET: FS Investments CEO on finding yield

In a conversation with Gregg Greenberg from thestreet.com, Michael Forman shares his views on economic growth, middle market lending and seeking yield in a “lower-for-longer” interest rate environment.

FS Investments Finances Acquisition of Cadence Education

Participates in $150 million unitranche loan to support acquisition by Morgan Stanley Capital Partners

Bloomberg TV: FS Economist Talks Fed Rate Hike Path

“Fed watching is the new reality show,” observed Lara Rhame, Senior Economist from FS Investments, in her interview on Bloomberg to discuss the prospects of an interest rate hike.

Real Assets Adviser Features Franklin Square

Real Assets Adviser, a publication of Institutional Real Estate, selected Franklin Square for its August cover story. The article, entitled “Institutional to Individual,” profiles CEO Michael Forman and the company’s vision for creating alternatives for investors.

Forbes: Q&A with Franklin Square CIO

Mike Kelly, Chief Investment Officer at Franklin Square, shares his thoughts with Forbes on what’s happening in the world of business development companies today.

Franklin Square Upsizes Commitment to A.P. Plasman

Increase of senior secured unitranche loan supports acquisition of Plastal Industri.

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT: Senior Secured Debt Can Be Lucrative for Investors

US News & World Report explains the advantages and risks of investing in senior secured debt and the various ways for investors to gain access to the asset class.

BLOOMBERG GO: Michael Forman on M&A and Brexit Loan Risk

As a guest on today’s Bloomberg GO, Franklin Square CEO Michael Forman offered his views on the Microsoft/LinkedIn deal, the potential impact of a Brexit and the middle market lending environment.

FSIC II Reports First Quarter 2016 Financial Results

FSIC II Reports First Quarter 2016 Financial Results.

Transparency Ranks High in Choosing Alts Providers Says Franklin Square Advisor Study

Franklin Square Capital Partners announced key findings from its research on how financial advisors view alternative investments. When asked what attributes drive their choice of providers, independent broker dealers gave equal weight to their top two drivers: “delivers strong, consistent investment performance” and “has a high level of integrity and transparency.”

Showing 61–70 press releases out of 70 results

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