
FireSide: What’s happening in Washington?

Head of Public Policy Jason Cole joins Chief U.S. Economist Lara Rhame to discuss what the latest policy decisions could mean for investors.

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January 17, 2024 | 27 minute read

About this episode

Jason Cole, Head of Public Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility at FS Investments, joins Chief U.S. Economist Lara Rhame to discuss what the latest policy decisions could mean for investors.

Lara and Jason address evolving pressures on Treasuries, where the Fed may move next and how election results could impact financial regulation, taxes and deglobalization in the coming year.

Transcript excerpt

Lara Rhame:
Welcome back to FireSide, a podcast from FS Investments. I’m Laura Rhame, Chief U.S. Economist here at FS Investments, and I’m joined for our first episode of the new year by Jason Cole. These are episodes that we’re calling, “What’s happening in Washington.” Jason, welcome.

Jason Cole:
Thanks Lara. Good to see you.

Lara Rhame:
Jason is our Head of Public Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility—and I will brag for you because you’ve just had this exceptional two-and-a-half decade career on and off Capitol Hill—and we’ve been lucky to have you here on prior podcasts. And we’ve presented together, and I always learn so much for your insights. So, I always feel really excited when we get to sit down and dig apart some interesting aspects of policy. And it’s going to be an interesting year.
Jason Cole:

Yes, absolutely. And I love doing these, so thanks for having me.

Lara Rhame:
I want to start by zooming out to talk generally about the election. Who’s going to win?

Jason Cole:
[Laughing] I have absolutely no idea.

Lara Rhame:
Dang it. I was hoping that—here on the FS Investments FireSide podcast—we would get the answer!

Jason Cole:
No, that’s going to be up to the voters. But what I can do is give you a sense of where things are heading right now.

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Jason Cole headshot

Jason Cole

Executive Director, Public Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility

Lara Rhame

Chief U.S. Economist + Managing Director

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