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Showing 291–300 out of 1011 results

Despite Fed pause, financial conditions tighten further

Despite expectations for a Fed pause, this week’s chart looks at other financial conditions, which have tightened significantly in recent months.

Despite headlines, CRE fundamentals mostly healthy

Despite the significant headline risk, CRE fundamentals continue to be quite stable. This week’s chart looks at vacancy rates across property types.

Despite rate pause, the Barclays Agg remains underwater

The Barclays Agg remains in negative territory YTD despite a kinder rate environment. We compare core fixed income returns in 2020 and 2021.

Despite strong YTD returns, investors see challenges ahead

See why investors seeking stable income may need to look outside of traditional fixed income markets to find it in today’s environment.

Diverging durations leave corporate bond investors increasingly exposed

Are your investments more vulnerable to price loss if interest rates move higher? This week’s chart shows how durations have diverged on investment grade and high yield bonds.

Diverging economic forecasts as rate hikes begin?

The Fed liftoff took place as market drivers compete. This week’s chart looks at two as investors manage through an uncertain environment.

Diversification is key as the Mag 7 overshadows market

The Magnificent 7 tech stocks increasingly dictate the risk and return profile of the S&P 500, emphasizing the importance of diversification.

Dividend cuts cloud stocks’ total return potential

A good time to cut dividends? Our chart shows why investors may need to temper their total return expectations despite stocks’ recent bounce.

DJIA has soared, but challenges remain

The DJIA just completed its fastest 1,000 point gain ever

Do rising rates favor CRE debt?

Rising rates have wreaked havoc on markets this year, but this week’s chart points to CRE debt as an area that could potentially benefit from them.
Showing 291–300 out of 1011 results

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