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Showing 61–70 out of 1011 results

A wide disconnect between investors and the Fed

Markets expect the Fed to be much less hawkish than Fed policymakers do. This week’s chart looks at how the disconnect could drive volatility.

Absolute return for an uncertain world

History shows us that absolute return strategies have historically delivered on many of the goals of traditional fixed income—and have successfully navigated the challenges markets currently face.

Active fixed income managers are adjusting for rising rates

See why a passive management strategy and rising rates may not mix when it comes to fixed income assets.

Active management paramount even amid healthy credit markets

Credit fundamentals look good, yet finding returns can be tough, especially for passive investors.

Active managers to take center stage as market drivers shift?

See why a notable shift in what’s driving high yield bond returns this year may renew investor interest in actively managed strategies.

After an early-year surprise, inflation expectations and Treasury yields moderate

Year-over-year change in inflation expectations and Treasury yields

After Fed liftoff, fundamentals take center stage

As the Fed commences a new round of rate hikes, our chart looks at maximum compression in price/earnings (P/E) ratios amid historical rate hike cycles.

All About the Northwest Quadrant (Unless you’re into losing money)

A new strategy note from Chief Market Strategist Troy Gayeski

All smoke, no fire: What’s behind recent equity market valuations?

Few explanations for the upward march of equity valuations are based on resoundingly positive or long-term economic changes. We take a closer look at how these high valuations could be closely tied to the multi-year surge in liquidity.
Showing 61–70 out of 1011 results

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