Research report

Showing 7–12 insights out of 26 results
Research report

Q4 2022 3D Report: We won’t get fooled again

Periods of mean reversion have always been a positive for the Global Allocation space. Read more about why we believe one such period is arriving and the opportunities we see in the global financial markets.

Research report

Margin Stall: Examining the outlook for free cash flow margins

Rising free cash flow margins have been the principal driver of stellar equity returns. In this report, we apply a quantitative lens to margin expansion and examine the ramifications of a trend reversal for markets.

Research report

What’s driving higher inflation and what to expect in 2022

Inflation looms as the biggest economic uncertainty for investors and policymakers. We build a bottom-up scenario and break down risks in 2022.

Research report

Higher inflation has come for the 60/40

Investors have not truly had to contend with higher inflation for decades. We break down the impact inflation has on fixed income markets, equities, and the dynamics of the 60/40 portfolio.

Research report

Money supply growth and the implications for investors

A new research report from Troy Gayeski

Research report

Lining up the last days of LIBOR

As year-end approaches, LIBOR’s sunset is finally imminent. We set the stage as markets race to embrace LIBOR replacement rates over the final two months of the year and paint a picture of what the post-LIBOR world will look like.

Showing 7–12 insights out of 26 results