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Showing 681–690 out of 1015 results

Q3 2020: Divergent roads

After a decade of strong performance in which property prices more than doubled, the commercial real estate market, like many other markets across the globe, was halted in its tracks by the pandemic.

Energy market commentary: June 2020

Concerns over spikes in COVID-19 cases weighed on energy sentiment in June. As global crude supply remains muted, further recovery in oil prices hinges on the return of demand in the U.S., the world’s largest energy consumer.

Credit market commentary: June 2020

The recovery in markets continued in June, but at a slower pace amid concerns over rising COVID cases. HY Bonds and Senior Secured Loans still ended the month up, returning 0.97% and 1.14%, respectively, capping off the best quarter for each market since Q3 2009. Interest rates spiked early in the month before declining slightly, and the duration-sensitive Barclays Agg returned 0.63%.

Q3 2020: Mixed signals

Despite multiple “worst-ever” indicators, U.S. equity and corporate credit markets rallied back to near pre-pandemic levels in Q2. With markets trending one way and economic data another, we’re left with mixed signals.

Q3 2020: Lift off?

Q3 starts off at a weaker place than any quarter since WWII as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but with reopening has come optimism.

Spike in HY issuance stresses the importance of active management

Sales surging after near collapse? Our chart looks at how the massive spike in new high yield issues displays the importance of active management.

A quick roundtrip: yields return to pre-COVID levels

Back to low or no yield? Our chart looks at why fixed income investors need to look outside of traditional markets for competitive opportunities.

Measuring the recovery: Reopen for business

High frequency indicators show how broad reopening is impacting consumers, businesses and investors.
Showing 681–690 out of 1015 results

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