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Showing 971–980 out of 1016 results

Credit market commentary: February 2018

Investments with lower durations, such as senior secured loans, have outperformed so far in 2018 and may display lower levels of volatility if U.S. Treasury yields rise further.

Energy market commentary: February 2018

Supply/demand balances are on healthy footing, oil prices have risen, North American assets are among the most globally competitive at current oil prices, and valuations for energy companies appear attractive relative to the broader market.

Sluggish productivity growth has helped keep interest rates in check

Productivity growth and interest rates remain below their long-term averages

Equity volatility bounced in February, yet remains below average

VIX averaged a historic low in 2017 and remains relatively constrained

Bond and loan performance during periods of rising rates

Investment grade bonds versus high yield bonds and senior secured loans

Recent fund flows highlight the benefits of a long-term focus

Equity markets saw large inflows at the market's peak, outflows during the correction

Strong economic growth but rising risks in 2018

Sustained above-trend growth raises the risk of meaningfully higher volatility, something which has already caught investors by surprise in 2018. What factors are causing positive momentum and are they set to continue?

Fed comments point to a slow rate-hike trajectory despite strong headline wage growth

Average hourly earnings rose the most for managers in January

Energy market commentary: January 2018

The fundamental conditions for the Energy sector have generally strengthened over the past year and this may have positive implications for investors in the sector.

At its first meeting of 2018, the Fed stays the course

This Fed rate hike cycle remains on a slow and shallow trajectory
Showing 971–980 out of 1016 results

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