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Showing 671–680 out of 1015 results

Credit market commentary: July 2020

The recovery in markets continued in July as optimism surrounding reopening and further stimulus measures outweighed fears of rising cases. HY Bonds and Senior Secured Loans returned 4.78% and 1.96%, respectively. Interest rates fell steadily throughout the month, boosting the duration-sensitive Barclays Agg, which returned 1.25%.

Energy market commentary: July 2020

The rebound in energy markets has sputtered over the past two months. Global crude production is likely to increase in the coming months, which could test oil prices previously stabilized by unprecedented supply cuts.

Slowing recovery presents challenges, highlights opportunities

Markets have traded sideways for much of the past 6 weeks after racing back in late March. Our chart looks at what slowing momentum may mean for investors.

Measuring the recovery: Pressing pause

COVID-19’s resurgence in the U.S. has paused the nascent economic recovery. We dive into traditional and high frequency data to show how the pandemic is impacting economic activity and equity market performance.

CRE: Not out of the woods yet?

With challenges around every bend, read how investors are accessing opportunity in commercial real estate today.

Dueling data leaves market outlook open to interpretation

Economic data as a Rorschach test? Like the famous inkblots, competing good news-bad news releases make market outlooks appear highly subjective.
Showing 671–680 out of 1015 results

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