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Showing 81–90 out of 1011 results

An income-centric market as CRE price growth falters?

Rising cap rates have challenged the economics for CRE property owners. But CRE debt has become increasingly attractive, as this week’s chart shows.

An inconsistent truth: Interest rates and inflation can diverge

Inflation has skyrocketed in Q3 while benchmark yields have moved lower. Yet these dynamics are not as inconsistent as they currently appear, and persistent inflation and low interest rates could continue well into 2022.

Analyzing the red-hot housing market

Members of the Investment Research team gather to discuss the state of the housing market.

Anatomy of an economic slowdown – economic uncertainty becomes a headwind

Softening data YTD and yield curve inversion have raised concerns that growth could slow more sharply than expected, or even contract, resulting in a recession.

Are investors too complacent as equity markets recover?

This week’s chart looks at heightened volatility that often follows periods of sustained market momentum.

Are stocks pricing in too quick an economic rebound?

Overly optimistic? Our chart highlights stocks’ recovery vs. falling yields and oil prices – and what this could mean for investors.

Are we there yet?

Return to office and its impact on commercial real estate investors.
Showing 81–90 out of 1011 results

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