
Showing 19–24 insights out of 128 results
Strategy note

Embrace alternatives or potentially be left behind

A new strategy note from Chief Market Strategist Troy Gayeski


FireSide: Answering the burning questions around private debt – Part 1

Private debt is a rapidly expanding market that has become critical for the U.S. economy and an opportunity for investors. In Part 1, we discuss the fundamentals of the market and trends driving its growth.

Private debt Cooling Dunes, Death Valley
Chart of the week

Private credit attractive to sponsors and investors

Private credit has become PE sponsors’ primary source of financing for LBOs and M&A activity as the asset class becomes increasingly mainstream.

Column chart showing private credit represents well over 50% of LBO and M&A financing since 2019, but only a small percentage of refinancing activity.
Chart of the week

Middle market companies tripled growth of large cap peers

Middle market private equity sponsors have historically provided outsized value compared to their large cap peers.

Column chart showing middle market private equity investments driving 2.9x the revenue and 2.7x the EBITDA growth over large cap companies.

FireSide: Q2 2024 Research roundup—Adjusting to the old normal

Our experts dive into their outlooks for macro and markets in the second quarter.

Chart of the week

Outlook for private equity return drivers favor middle market?

This week’s chart looks at return drivers for middle market buyout transactions, which have generated higher realized capital multiples than large cap and may favor middle market managers looking forward.

Showing 19–24 insights out of 128 results

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