
Showing 163–168 insights out of 238 results
Credit market commentary

Credit market commentary: November 2020

Credit rallied amid broad market strength in November on news of multiple potentially viable COVID-19 vaccines.

Chart of the week

Rising rates put the “40” to the test

As rates move higher, we look at fixed income performance amid rising rate environments, highlighting sub-investment grade’s strong relative returns.

Credit market commentary

Credit market commentary: October 2020

Credit markets remained positive in October, despite experiencing weakness during the last week of the month alongside a sell-off in equities.

Research report

Does duration matter?

We outline why core fixed income indexes are now much more interest-rate sensitive than ever before and offer mitigation options for investors concerned with heightened interest rate sensitivity.

Chart of the week

Rates continue recent rise despite sharp stock sell-off

Rates climbed higher this week while the S&P 500 was down nearly -5%. We look at the risk rates’ recent rise presents to fixed income investments.

Chart of the week

Even a small rate rise highlights bonds’ weakness

Traditional bonds have seen three months of negative returns. Our chart offers a cautionary outlook on bond returns in today’s rate environment.

Showing 163–168 insights out of 238 results

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