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Showing 1711–1720 out of 1734 results

Why markets are floating past the economic collapse

In this report, we break down today’s payroll data, recent market performance and what investors need to prepare for next.

Why rising rates may not lift your income

Traditional fixed income investors may feel they’ve been lost in a low-yield wasteland. But with improved global growth and the expected Fed rate hike trajectory, some may assume the struggle for income is coming to an end.

Why the July Fed meeting could spark volatility

Dovish enough? Here’s why the Fed’s rate cut could leave investors disappointed.

Wide performance dispersion may favor active managers

Dispersion between best- and worst-performing S&P sectors is at a 20-year high. This week’s chart tracks it over time and outlines why it matters.

Will a rate-dependent equity market become a headwind?

Could last year’s market tailwind turn into this year’s headwind? This week’s chart looks at stocks and rates’ tandem moves over the past year.

Wilshire Advisors, LLC, MidOcean Partners, Mariner Investment Group, LLC, Waterfall Asset Management, LLC.

Wilshire Associates is a diversified global financial services firm known for providing institutional investors with analytics, research and investment consulting services. Founded in 1972, Wilshire is a leading provider of research on alternative investments and is at the forefront of creating hybrid portfolios including alternative beta and hedge fund strategies. Highlights As of 6/30/2022

With inflation, stock-bond correlation jumps

As prices spike, this week’s chart looks at rising inflation’s impact on the correlation between stocks and bonds.

With investor sentiment stretched, time to diversify?

This week’s chart looks at the spread between bullish and bearish investors, which has widened significantly in the past several months.
Showing 1711–1720 out of 1734 results

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