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Credit market commentary: April 2019

Leveraged credit rises in April | Leveraged credit yields tighten, loans trade tight to high yield

Credit market commentary: April 2020

Markets broadly rallied in April on the back of unprecedented stimulus by Congress and the Federal Reserve. HY Bonds posted their strongest monthly performance since January 2019 while Senior Secured Loans recorded their largest one-month gain since 2009. A decline in interest rates following an early-month spike boosted the duration-sensitive Barclays Agg.

Credit market commentary: August 2021

The duration-sensitive Barclays Agg was negative in August as long-term interest rates rose slightly.

Credit market commentary: August 2022

Credit markets were mixed last month. High yield built on its July rally in the first half of the month before surrendering those gains, ending August down -2.83%. Floating rate senior secured loans ended August up 1.54%.

Credit market commentary: August 2023

Credit markets saw another month of positive returns in August as high yield bonds returned 0.29% while senior secured loans returned 1.17%.

Credit market commentary: August 2018

High-duration fixed income, such as the Barclays Agg, performed well in August due to falling 10-year U.S. Treasury yields. Strong corporate earnings and U.S. economic data provided tailwinds for HY Bonds and Senior Secured Loans.

Credit market commentary: August 2019

Leveraged credit mixed in August | High-rated credit outperforms

Credit market commentary: August 2020

Credit markets climbed steadily higher throughout a relatively quiet August, with HY Bonds and Senior Secured Loans returning 0.98% and 1.49%, respectively. Interest rates rose throughout the month following the Fed’s inflation policy shift, sending the duration-sensitive Barclays Agg down -0.81%.

Credit market commentary: December 2020

Vaccine-fueled optimism drove credit markets steadily higher throughout December.

Credit market commentary: December 2021

Credit markets were positive in December. After two straight monthly declines, HY bonds posted their best month of the year, up 1.88%, while loans returned 0.64%.
Showing 341–350 out of 1735 results

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